
Kari sportélet


53rd Congress and Championships of the World Medical Tennis Society

53rd Congress and Championships of the World Medical Tennis Society

2024. március 20.
2 perc

2024-ben a Semmelweis Egyetem szervezi az Orvos Tenisz Világbajnokságot, amelyre szeretettel várják mindazon orvos, fogorvos kollégákat, akik érdeklődnek a tenisz iránt

It is my pleasure to announce that that this year Semmelweis University is proud to be the main organizer of the 53rd Congress and Championships of the World Medical Tennis Society (WMTS).
Since its foundation in 1971, WMTS has been cherishing the goal of conducting regular international medical conventions with scientific program, at which tennis competitions for players of all levels could be offered to the delegates and their families.
After 1990 and 1998, Hungary will host this event for the third time in the enchanting city of Budapest from July 27 to August 2, 2024.
On July 29, the scientific conference at the Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center will revolve around questions of sports medicine with the participation of a wide array of experts.
The championship between July 27 and August 2 is open to doctors of medicine and dental doctors, non-MD spouses and life partners as well as non-MD children of doctors of medicine and dental doctors in categories ranging from Men’s or Women’s Singles through Men’s or Women’s Doubles to Mixed Doubles, Junior, and Child.
For more information, visit the 53rd Congress and Championships website. Registration is open until May 31, 2024.
We look forward to welcoming you in Budapest.

Prof. Dr. Béla Merkely


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Rendezvénynaptár *

  • *
    SZTE TIK Kongresszusi terem
    09:30 - 17:00
    SZTE TIK Kongresszusi terem
    09:30 - 17:00

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